Once again the sausage munching bosch have humiliated this torrid little island nation. The 4 - 1 defeat to dear Fritz in the World Cup today is the heaviest ever suffered by England in the tournament. And by George did they deserve it.

Words can't really begin to describe how awful England were. It was men against boys; and the boys won. Germany utterly ripped the toothless three lions to shreds, ending this supposed 'golden generation's' last hopes of winning the World's most coveted sporting prize. Tactically and technically inept, Capello stuck with the age old formula of picking players based on their individual talents rather than those suitable for the roles in a well balanced formation. And not one of these 'talented' individuals sparkled, with the defence by far the worst, or should I say 'wurst' aspect of the whole charade. Terry was terrible, Upson atrocious and my new favourite worst player, Glen Johnson, couldn't put a foot right. And while some may point to the fact that Lampard's wrongly disallowed goal was the turning point, you would be an idiot to denounce the undeniable fact that England simply weren't good enough. The real kicker however is that this was probably our best chance to win it, with almost zero real talent on the horizon to replace this current, ageing crop. The only thing that's disappointing is now there's no one left for me to follow for the rest of the tournament, almost as if it has ended for me as well. I suppose that's what the rest of the country feels like too.
The Huns didn't really have to work that hard for their victory, although it somewhat annoys me that two of their scorers were Polish. Not to say in some rudimentary way that I think it unfair Germany have 'foreigners' playing for them; I really couldn't give a shit about England getting dumped out in such a manner. But if those traitorous bastards in Podolski and Klose actually opted to play for their motherland, at least then Poland might have qualified in the first place and I would subsequently be able to have some pride in supporting someone else. Someone without overinflated expectations. I would rather that than being taken in by the ridiculous merry-go-round of 'England can win it' perpetuated by the Sun and my English 'compatriots'. I mean, it's Germany they chose for Christ's sake! The country that raped Poland multiple times over the centuries and used it as a car park for tanks.
Damn Poles, always stealing someone else's job. Perhaps 'German striker' can be added to the list of professions needed in Western Europe. Alongside 'plumber' and 'builder'.
(Disclaimer: I am half Polish)
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