Smell it. That's history. Musty, stagnant, fragile bits of paper. Today was, I hope, my last day at the National Archives and given that I'll probably never go back there again, ever, I thought I'd share some of cool shit I've been fortunate enough to delve over these past few weeks. These are files, some of them formerly top secret, from the Foreign Office and War Office dealing with the issue of Palestine in the mid 1940s. It really is pretty amazing to be presiding over the real deal. Someone back then actually sat there and typed, or hand wrote in many cases, all this. And then it was circulated around high offices. These files were variably handled, even written by Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin or Prime Minister Clement Attlee. It really is pretty cool and quietly inspiring. And my last day wouldn't have been a last day if I hadn't incurred some sort of wrath from the brown shirts. Today I was accused of handling more than the three documents allowed at any one time. Luckily my papers were in order. Special.
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