Saturday 5 June 2010

Just who are the Bilderberg group?

Of course you would not have heard of them. And why would you? It's only the annual gathering of the world's most powerful people from big business, politics and the media. All perfectly innocent, I'm sure you'd assert. But! There's a catch.

Once a year the world's 'elite' hold a conference lasting a couple of days at some location in in the World. This year, it takes place in Sitges, Spain. What is discussed, nobody knows. You see, the press are barred from attending. Well, except those who actually own the large news corporations. There are no minutes taken, and just as silently as it takes place, it ends, and not a single peep is reported in the mainstream news.

Now, I've checked this. First, I went to the BBC (oh BBC, you're journalism standards wouldn't let a secretive, elitist group slip you by, would it?) and lo and behold, nothing on the main pages. So, I used the search function, and the only mention of Bilderberg was back in a 2003 article. So, I waddled along to CNN to try and verify if there was indeed, some sort of media blackout of the event, and yep, you guessed it, no mention of the Bilderberg meeting this year either. In fact, after using CNN's search function they had a grand total of only ONE article mentioning it. There is only one, relatively mainstream news station which has had the balls to report the meetings, and that is Russia Today.

"So what? Why should I worry?" I hear you ask. And a good question. Let me turn the question back on you for a minute. If the world's most powerful people, you know, the ones who control the banks, the media, the politics; the economic system, what you see and hear every day, who you're voting for, were to meet, wouldn't you want to know what they're discussing? These are the people who, for all intents and purposes, control the world. To have them all under one roof discussing global issues hidden away from the public is a dangerous thing in my opinion.

And it is precisely this secrecy which has given rise to the conspiracy theorists. What is it that these elites don't want the public to know? So the rumours begin to fly, and the prevailing theme is that they wish to enslave you in a one-world government, commonly known as the 'New World Order'. There has never been an announcement from the attendees to categorically denounce this theory. Make of it what you will, but I'll be wearing my tinfoil hat, just in case...